Favorite Whatever
Favorite Questions
Why is now now?
Why am
I me and not someone else?
See poem.
Why is there me-ness?
It may be easier to understand why there are individuals but why is
one of them me? and why is this particular individual me?
Do we have free will?
Is free will limited to selecting from an evolving "multiple choice" list of
possibilities or something less restrictive.
Is there a consciousness gene.
Does the universe have a genetic code?
Is human consciousness the essence of the universe or an non-essential artifact?
Is there a soul or an essences that
survives the death of the physical body?
Does the soul have code similar to the genetic code?
If black is the absence of light
what is the absence of everything?
Why do simple
variations in atomic structure produce such great and diverse phenomenon?
Why do tomatoes not
taste as good as they use to?
What is so special
about washing behind the ears and why must one always be reminded to
do so?
Are we the victims
of something similar to Stockholm syndrome towards God?
My Favorite Famous People Sayings
"He who seeks the truth must doubt everything." Aristotle
“All men by
nature desire to know.” Aristotle
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." Carl Sagan
"What can
be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without
Author Unknown to me
"Man is the measure of all things!"
Protagoras of Abdera
"Insanity is doing the same
thing over again and expecting different results." Author Unknown to me
"What is, is." Author Unknown to
"Marriage is like pi
- natural, irrational, and very important." Lisa Hoffman
"If the only tool
you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail."
Abraham Maslow
When a
reputed expert states that something is possible, he is very likely right.
On the other hand if he claims that something is impossible he is very
likely wrong. Author Unknown to me
Quotes about
"Except the blind
forces of Nature, nothing moves in this world which is not Greek in
its origin."
Henry Maine
"The safest
general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is
that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato." -
Alfred North Whitehead. Process and Reality, 1929.
"It is impossible to
contemplate the annuls of Greek literature and art, without being
struck by them as by far the most extraordinary and brilliant
phenomenon in the history of the human mind." Hugh Swinton Legare
"We are all Greeks.
Our laws, our literature, our religion, our arts all have their root
in Greece. But for Greece…we might still have been savages and
Percy Bysshe Shelley
"Her citizens,
imperial spirits, rule the present from the past." - Hellas - Percy
Bysshe Shelley
"There is no danger now that the world will not give the Greek genius full
recognition. Greek achievement is a fact universally acknowledged." Edith
Hamilton [The full extent of the Greek genius is acknowledged only in some scholarly papers]
"It is fair to say
that western science is a series of footnotes to Archimedes. People
trying to come to terms with the problems of Archimedes. People
trying to produce works that are as great or that are greater than
Archimedes. This is the goal of western mathematics." Reviel Netz,
Stanford University
Nova-Infinite Secrets – The Genius of Archimedes 6/6
"The mention of
Greece fills the mind with the most exalted sentiments..."
President James Monroe
"Had Greek
civilization never existed ... we would never have become fully
conscious." W.H. Auden
"The legacy of Greece to Western philosophy is Western philosophy."
Bertrand Russell
"The Greek Earth
opens before me like the Book of Revelations." Henry Miller
"The light of Greece
opened my eyes, penetrated my pores, expanded my whole being." Henry
My Favorite
Song Lyrics
Excerpt from
"Tossin' and
Turnin" by Bobby Lewis
I couldn't sleep at
all last night
Jumped out of bed
Turned on the lights
It was the middle of the night
Excerpt from
"Taxi" by Harry Chapin
It was raining hard
in Frisco,
I needed one more fare to make my night.
A lady up ahead waved to flag me down,
She got in at the light...
Excerpt from
"Killing Me Softly With His Song" by Roberta
I heard he sang a
good song, I heard he had a style.
And so I came to see him to listen for a while.
And there he was this young boy, a stranger to my eyes.
Strumming my pain with his fingers,
Singing my life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song,
He sang as if he knew me in all my dark despair.
And then he looked right through me as if I wasn't there.
But he just came to singing, singing clear and strong.
My Favorite Play
Favorite "Guy Noir"
"Broadway Tourettes"
A Prairie Home
My Favorite
Two-Dimensional Visual Arts Artists
Van Gogh, M. C.
Escher, Jackson Pollack, Jeff Whipple, Henri
Cartier-Bresson, Barbara Kasten, Dorothea Lange, Lucas Samaras, Yanni Galanopoulos, Nikos Economopoulos, Alfred Stieglitz.
My 10 Favorite Live
Classical Music Experiences
1. Mahler's eight
conducted by George Solti in Chicago
2. through 10. = None. I am usually disappointed at live classical music
performances. They are usually not loud enough especially with cheap ticket
sitting on the balcony. I should invent ear extenders
to catch more of the sound. What should name the ear extenders?
Hmmm, perhaps "Mickey Mouse Ears."
I believe it was Mendelssohn's third piano concerto or was
it Rachmaninoff's third piano concerto at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus
in Athens. It was not the music though it was enjoyable to hear it,
it was the experience of being there on the Acropolis at night with a
light breeze blowing. Which philosopher, which sculptor, which
architect, which
playwright may have sat eons ago on the seat I sat on? Oh, how magnificent
it was!
My Favorite
Classical Music
I reached
a point in my life when I decided, can't recall why, that I should
learn about classical music. I asked an acquaintance that was a
classical music buff to get me $100 worth of classical music
cassettes. He did and have been a lover of classical music ever
since. The best $100 investment I ever made.
My first classical
music favorite was Mahler's eight
symphony. Love Mahler's eight
and was fortunate enough to hear the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
perform it conducted by George Solti.
A friend introduced
me to The Moldau by Bedrich Smetana. This remained a favorite for a
long time. About the same time I heard the
Brandenburg Concertos by Bach. Numbers four, five and six still remain
my favorites.
Beethoven's seventh
primarily and third to some
degree were my unequivocal favorite symphonies for many years. Lately I have begun
to enjoy the eight. For many years I had dreamt, granted wishful
thinking of animating Beethoven's seventh in an abstract way projected inside a dome or
better yet a three dimensional animation when the technology became
available. This will have to wait for my next lifetime.
My tastes have changed through the years as I heard
more classical music and began to enjoy other masterpieces. Lately I found my self
enjoying classical music even more but now I also appreciate the
creative genius of the composers
that imagined then wrote the music.
At the turn of the
millennium for a while loved Respighi's Pines of Rome. A friend had
given it to me in a cassette but it took many years of intermittent
listening to get to really appreciate this piece. Lately I have been
preferring to listen to adagios, slower classical music. I no longer have
strong favorites but preferences which I enjoy hearing. Some of my
recent favorites:
Antonin Dvorak
Serenade in E Major, first movement
Anton Bruckner
Symphony No. 9 in D Minor especial the Scherzo
Sibelius - Symphony No. 7
To some this may
seem strange but I really enjoy Trance with a strong bass, played loudly!
Love the ground shaking bass.
My Favorite Greek
Music by the
composers: Hadjidakis, Theodorakis and Xarhakos.
My Favorite Music Stations
(also available on
Hearts of Space
Musical Star Streams
My Favorite
Search Engines
www.Google.com Google does not do
as good a job as they use to.
Tip: Some times a key phrase may be put in quotation marks such as
"United States". To eliminate a keyword from a search put a minus
sign in front of that word such as Athens -Georgia will not display
any links to Athens, Georgia.
For some of my ideas
about computers and the internet
click here.
My Favorite Compliment that I Received
Perhaps this may be
the biggest compliment ever made to me. A friend, ok an
ex-girlfriend asked me for my genes, sexually or asexually,
contractually or with out contract. I thought about it but in the
end I declined to contribute my half of genes to a baby. Do I have
My Two Favorite Brainteasers
The Prisoner's Dilemma. You are in prison and want to be free.
There are two doors. One door leads to freedom and the other to
certain death. There are two guards who know which of the doors
leads to freedom and which to death. One guard always says the truth
whereas the other always lies and both know about each others
behavior. Unfortunately you do not know
which one is honest and which one is a liar. You may ask either of the guards one question to
save yourself. What is the one question to ask?
Its fun to try to
figure this out. You will not appreciate the answer unless you first
try to solve it on your own.
See the
Goat or Cadillac? You have a choice of one of three doors. One of
the doors has a brand new Cadillac behind it, the other two doors
each has a goat as prize. After you select a door, the host knowing
what is behind the doors opens one revealing a goat. You then are
given the choice of sticking with your original selection or
switching to the other door.
Are your odds enhanced
by staying or changing or it doesn't make a difference.
What would you do to get the Cadillac?
See the answer
My Favorite Books
Manuals, Manuals and
more Manuals which I hate reading but find indispensable. Did I say
My Favorite High
School Gross Out Poem
Everybody is doing
it, doing it, doing it
Picking their nose and chewing it, chewing it, chewing it
They think its candy but it's not, it's not, it's snot!
My Favorite
My favorite
pet is a
parakeet. When very young I was given a baby parakeet which I named Cookie. I
cracked the seeds and fed him until he could eat on his own.
The bird was trilingual if parakeet language is included.
Birds in general are my favorite animals besides beautifully adorned
they can fly.
Favorite Dream (but perhaps my second most favorite)
Flying dreams are very
spectacular. The few people that have them agree that they are the
greatest. I wonder if my pet parakeet had an influence for me to
have the flying dreams? I haven't had one lately. Very disappointed!
My Favorite Story I
In my early twenties
in order to
live up to my image (image?) I joined the
Land of Lincoln Skydivers Inc. at Hebron Airport in Wisconsin. I
had not flown before let alone jump out of a plane but went there to
learn and to skydive. During the training I had an heated argument with the skydiving instructor on how to
aim during descent and land on the target.
Right prior to the jump
at 5000
feet with my feet
dangling out of a single engine
plane and my ears buzzing and from the air pressure ear imbalance and ringing
from all the noise the still furious instructor yells in
my ear to remember what to do in case
of a malfunction and then a strong pat on the back or was it a shove sent
flying through the thin air. Well obviously there was no
malfunction as I am here to reminisce. A terrifying instant later
out of the plane the jump turned out to be very peaceful and enjoyable yet too
brief an experience. I landed within 10 feet of the target in a way proving
that my method of reaching the target was perhaps equal if not better than the
way my instructor had said. The other two more experienced jumpers landed
in the nearby cornfields presumably following the instructors method on landing
on the target. The instructor did briefly congratulate me and in my mind he
acknowledged my accomplishment. I felt victorious and thankful that
sky diving instructor did not hold a grudge.
You may be asking "why only one jump?" I went several more times to jump
but it was always too windy to jump so to my relief I did not. As
beautiful as the skydiving experience was it is still terrifying the
minutes prior to the jump. It just is not natural for people to jump
into the thin air!
My Favorite Little Black Book
If you happened
to see me writing in my little black book and wondered what I wrote,
well keep on wondering. If however you want to know the technical
details that a different story. It is an At-A-Glance date book. I
have modified it to make it more convenient to use. I cut slits on the front
cover to hold a pen. On the back inside cover I cut slits to hold
standard 3"x5 scratch paper which by the way is the only
scratch paper size I
use. For easy access I cut a tiny slit
to hold a (white) plastic toothpick. Should I patent this, or is it
too late?
Ok, I will divulge
what I write in the black book. I insert notations on what I should
do on certain days. After all it is a date book! I have enough
listed in this book to keep me busy for two lifetimes. At one time I
was confident that it was good to always have a long list of things
to do that keeps on getting longer but now I am no longer certain
that this is so. The reason I say this is of all the people I know I am the only one that walks around
with a date boot tethered to his body as if it was an appendage and
made prisoner by its dead weight.
To organize your
time see:
My Favorite Top Ten Movies in alphabetical order
A Simple Plan
America America
Dances With Wolves
Get Shorty
The Killing Fields
Raging Bull
Sunset Boulevard
Taxi Driver
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
U Turn
- Ok, you're right, I can't count!
My Favorite
Top 50 Movies in alphabetical order
2001 A Space Odyssey
Amores Perros
Being John Malkovich
Bicentennial Man
Burn After Reading
Citizen Kane
Das Boot
Deer Hunter
Don Juan De Marco
Double Indemnity
El Norte
Emerald Forest
Forbidden Planet
Fried Green Tomatoes
The Girl in the Cafe
Gone With the Wind
Grizzly Man
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
The Killing Fields
King of Comedy
Kiss of the Spider Woman
Midnight Cowboy
My Dinner with Andre
On the Waterfront
The Painted Veil
Pulp Fiction
The Postman Always Rings Twice
Rear Window
Return to Paradise
Seven Beauties
The Terminator
Ulysses Gaze
West Side Story
Wuthering Heights
Wizard of Oz
My Favorite
Top 60 to 150 Movies in alphabetical order
American Beauty
The Artist
Beetle Juice
Big Fish
Birdman Of Alcatraz
Body Heat
Cinema Paradiso
The Coca Cola Kid
Doctor Zhivago
Enemy Mine
The French Connection
Dog Day Afternoon
District 9
The Elephant Man
Fantastic Animation Festival
Fog of war
The Godfather
The Gods Must Be Crazy
The Grapes of Wrath
The Great Escape
Harold and Maude
The Hitcher
The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Universe
Kill Bill
King Rat
Lawrence of Arabia
The Manchurian Candidate
The Matrix
Mulholland Drive
Never on Sunday
Nick of Time
The Other Side of Midnight
The Planet of the Apes
Reservoir Dogs
The Professional
Saving Private Ryan
The Shawshank Redemption
Slumdog Millionaire
A Streetcar Named Desire
Swept Away
Tender Mercies
The Usual Suspects
Toy Story
The Wild Bunch
---Check back for the complete list
Favorite Meals
- A onion stew with red sauce prepared with rabbit, chicken or beef
or even octopus.
Great with feta and fresh bread for dipping into the sauce.
Greek fish soup
- It's amazingly very delicious.
Chicken Panang. Truly heavenly!
Pizzeria Due
vegetarian pizza in Chicago.
onion soup and pate at the Gare Saint Lazare on Armitage
Avenue west of Halsted in Chicago. Are they still in the same location?
Favorite Fruits and Vegetables
- Only if ripe and sweet. They don't grow tomatoes like they used
to, not even in Greece!
Potato - Greek style pan fried in olive oil with a little salt,
lemon and oregano
added. Delicious!
Mango - Must be properly ripened.
Avocado - Best is in our back yard in Kalamata. Very buttery and
Orange - I once had the perfect orange. What an experience and
unfortunately has never been repeated. I suspect this may be what
Plato meant. By the way nuts and oranges not only taste great eaten
together but are also a very healthy combination.
My Favorite Coffee
Donuts is my American coffee standard however I make better coffee
with Folgers Classic blend. Oh, what an aroma! (No! this is not an
advertisement nor a paid endorsement) If coffee only tasted
as good as it smelled we would be in serious trouble. Best coffee
creamer is Coffee Mate Original Half and Half but I am not sure why
there would be a decisive flavor difference between this and the
store brand half and half (the idiots discontinued selling it, so
now I will have to find a new favorite) When it come to coffee it is obvious I am
not a gourmet. I know too many
people that would disagree with me on my choice for best coffee, so
this is the reason I did not
included this snippet under
By the way, add a pinch
of salt to the coffee in the filter and the bitterness is gone!
Update: I recently
Douwe Egberts coffee which was
excellent. It may become my favorite but need more testing to make
such a proclamation.
August 2007 Major
Update: Just came back to the US via Paris. Gotta say the best
cappuccino and the best coffee I have ever had was there at the
cafes. It was smoooooth and creamy and no bitterness. It was served
hot rather than warm. It was absolutely delicious. I must find a
place that serves this coffee here in the US or find the recipe.
My Favorite Socks

My favorite socks
which I bought around 1980. I had three pair each with different
color combinations. The one in the photos is the last pair still
I like odd looking
socks. An occasional gal will notice and comment. So no-one hardly
ever notices but I do and that's good enough. If you know that these socks
are still available please let me know where to purchase them.
Answer to The Prisoner's Dilemma: Ask either of the guards
"what will the other guard say it the door to freedom" and exit on
the opposite door. This works as both guards give identical answers.
Back to
Answer to Goat or
Cadillac? Of course you want the car! What should you do? Does
it make any difference? Originally I had argued with great
conviction that it would not make any difference to stay or to
switch. After giving this
problem more thought I had to remove foot from mouth, surgically so
that I could face my opponents in this discussion without looking
too foolish.
The correct answer: If you switch you
have better chance of winning the car.
For additional comments see:
(see: 3. The Two Guards)
Back to problem.

V. Gardiakos |