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Comments - Page 1 Vas Gardiakos Hello Guests, Post what is on you mind here so that everyone can read the words of a great mind. haryiota@knology.net Vas, I just went though it pretty fast...... so much to read...... My first impression, rich and interesting..BRAVO I will tell Harry about it. Yiota chryssa I think you don't like people who are never impressed with anything, because you know it can't be true that anyone has seen everything! And so it is an act. They're pretending that all has been done and they have seen before. It's rude and frosty and joyless when people have this transparent facade of insecurity. I felt compelled to comment on this because on your pet-peeve page you said you didn't know why this bothered you. just a suggestion. Also about the women crying bit? Some women are manipulative and can fake-cry about anything...most of us are crying because someone MADE us cry. James Turner Your proof of the existence of God is the best scientific proof that I have seen. If someone proves that 31 can be used to create prime numbers I will also became an Alphagorean. I really like your #402, 622 and 924 and your background images. Your music lacks drum beat but still like it. One of the best sites I visited so far this year. It was a delight to peruse it. Nike What delightful site! I had so much fun reading through it and I must say it is by far the most interesting personal site I have ever seen! Ha Ha, sometimers I forget that Vas can be so funny! I loved the biography by the mentor, I loved the interview, and I loved all the quotes and thoughts both serious and ironic, the art and the links. Such rich and eclectic content. I'm inspired! 314159 Theos If you verify alpha31 you should get the Nobel prize. Really liked your music and photos. Great site. Keep up the good work. Katherine R. Greetings, You’re a strange poet. Drop the math. Write more!!!!! Nice background art!!! Do more!!! Your humor is too dry for most people. Do less!!! Ha Ha Jessica As a mathematician, I was rather intrigued by the notion of your having attempted a mathematical proof for the existence of god. I did note, somewhat sadly however, that the god you attempt to prove is the Pythagorean god of numbers. Given that, however, I would have expected that you would have delved into the Golden Ratio and its reflection in the world. Mario Livio does a sufficient job of explaining the relevance of the golden ratio (phi), which was very popular with Pythagoras and company all those years ago, and with good reason. It was such an important number/ratio that the religious symbol of Pythagoras' secret cult incorporated it several times over: the pentacle, or five-pointed star inscribed in a circle. Phi is also the ratio of beauty as well as a highly repeated proportion in nature and anatomy in general, and makes a far more compelling argument on its own than does pi. I also feel compelled to agree that any sort of notion as complicated as the diagram you've drawn can be created with infinite combinations or permutations of numbers. That is the beauty of mathematics, that it ties everything together. However, the mere existence of unsustained patterns or painfully stretched arguments for the presence of relationships between numbers smacks a bit of "A Beautiful Mind" and loss of touch with reality. That all being said, I thank you for providing me the inspiration to finally write the following, which has been floating around my brain for some time now: http://www.angelfire.com/fl/sux/2pitopsi.rtf M. Patel Dear Mr. Gardiakos, Let me congratulate you on the mathematical proof of the existence of god. Document A presents the issues very clearly. Even if it doesn’t prove what you claim it does it will forever be the standard by which all future proofs must attain. I examined Document A and the highlights very carefully. From what I gather from the comments it seems that your detractors have not. In my opinion to satisfy even the staunchest skeptic including me: 1. Confirming Alpha 31 will greatly enhance your credibility. 2. You must prove that random numbers rarely have “oddities” similar to pi. But on the other hand I agree with you that pi is rather special. If I was god I would likely pick pi to announce my existence. 3. As you mentioned if a mathematician can create a more interesting number than pi in a similar manner as shown in Document A your hypothesis will be weakened. However I would demand that this contrived number must also have a relationship to two mathematical constants. This additional requirement will hamper even the most persistent mathematician I suspect. If you survive these three points you should get the recognition you deserve not only because in the thousands of years no-one else saw the oddities in pi but because you have answered one of the most important questions plaguing mankind. I hope that you succeed! Your website is the most interesting I have seen for a while. Good sense of humor. Nice background art! Believe in God The idea that God communicates to us through pi is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. There is only one God but you need faith to understand this. To bad your “intellect” will not allow you to understand this. Math Genius Hello, I dabble in number theory and found your proof of the existence of God very interesting or should I say odd. I have an equal fascination as you with numbers especially the prime series and the connection with extra terrestrial intelligence. I doubt that God would play with pi but on the other hand he created the universe so your proposition is not out of line. Who am I to say what God may or may not do however Document A has His fingerprints all over it. The question is, are the fingerprints authentic? Wayne L. A Prime number itself is irrelevant; the Importance of a prime number is the Nature of any and all prime numbers. A Prime Number is a continuum, infinitely divisible. If a Prime number is divided into two equal whole numbers there is a third element, a remainder, a Singularity of One that is central to all primary numbers, to all Continuums, such as the Space-Time Continuum, The Point of Singularity, the Singularity of Time Space and Motion, Motion that is without meaning, the nature of the motion of a Singularity of One alone in the emptiness that is central to the Relativity of Time and Space, Motion that is without angular momentum, displacement, without velocity of speed and direction, any given fixed moment, point, of Time and Space. Devil’s Advocate It is indeed very interesting that pi has so many strange happenings or oddities as you call them. In the realm of possibilities the ball (oddities) must land on a blade of grass. In your case it landed on unique red blade of grass (pi). It seems to me that God guided the ball rather than circumstance. Liked your poetry, music and photos. Ardi did great job on your autobiography. I visited Kalamata in 1999 and had a great time. Too bad we did not meet then. Perhaps we will meet some other time. David Stein Your idea that God made pi to communicate to us is the stupidest thing that I have ever heard. You can find oddities in just about any number. Did you think of that? Why did you waist your time and now mine? WARNING TO ALL: STAY AWAY FROM THIS URL. AKA Your website is definitely the most fascinating I have visited this year. Your proof of the existence of god seems very reasonable. I could not find any provable argument against Document A.
Georgia Post Sunday March 18, 2007
I like the metaphor of the brain being your computer... your art exhibits are more interesting than Pollock's.
keep well and smile!
Ruthann Sunday June 10, 2007
... I have enjoyed your artwork and your thoughts.
... I hope you continue to do this wonderful artwork full of color and movement. It looks like music and a mathematical ocean floor, precise, yet touched by currents. How pleasing.
Daniel Saturday March 8,2008
Hi Vas,
Thanx for taking the time to check out my website [ www.daniel.mrgan.com ]. Glad you liked it. I visited your website as well. Very extensive and interesting. I really enjoyed your music. Let me know of any upcoming shows or Concerts?
Email Dialog >> << Email Dialog >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>++++++<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Subject: It’s a Prime that God exists! It's about prime!
Original Message To: Keith Mayes from http://www.thekeyboard.org.uk/ Friday, June 02, 2006
There are several prime number oddities in pi that prove the existence of an Advanced Extraterrestrial Intelligence namely God. Did God manipulate the geometry of the universe just to say “I exist?” or is there more to the message? Pi is a universal constant and therefore all intelligent life in the universe can become aware of its significance.
Why are there so many prime numbers in pi? pi= 3.14159… why the 3_ 4_ 5 Pythagorean triplet? pi= 3.14159… why the 31-41-59 prime numbers?
There are more oddities: www.artmusicdance.com/vaspi/proof.htm Check out the evidence: www.artmusicdance.com/vaspi/documenta.htm
Please forward this message to your email friends, associates, blogs, forums and news groups.
I have to say after visiting that site that it is total garbage. You could come up with those silly 'meaningful' numbers from any irrational number, its just the way they have been manipulated. For example. Why are there so many prime numbers?. Silly question. Ignoring the zero there are 4 primes from 1 to 9, in other words 44%. In the first 20 digits of pi there are 9 primes which is 45%. What makes you think there are 'so many primes'? You ask "why the 3_ 4_ 5 Pythagorean triplet?" The answer is why not? The numbers are not in that sequence anyway, you have to ignore the numbers in between! How daft is that. So what if the numbers 3, 4, 5 appear in that sequence, as they must somewhere no end of times, so what? You think that means God exists! You clearly do not have any idea about statistics. Sorry, but your argument is just plain daft.
Friday, June 04, 2006
Hello Mr. Mayes,
Thanks you for taking the time to write.
You wrote: For example. Why are there so many prime numbers?. Silly question. Ignoring the zero there are 4 primes from 1 to 9, in other words 44%. In the first 20 digits of pi there are 9 primes which is 45%. What makes you think there are 'so many primes'?
Why are there so many prime numbers in pi? I was referring to: 31-41-59 prime numbers 25% of numbers under 100 are primes. But three primes in a row? See #2 and #5 below.
You wrote: You could come up with those silly 'meaningful' numbers from any irational number, its just the way they have been manipulated.
Keep in mind thought that pi is not any irrational number but the most popular constant. I certainly did not manipulate pi. God did. I assume you mean that I somehow I picked and highlighted only what ever looked interesting? That is exactly what I did! I picked the interesting and ignored the mundane.
It would be interesting if another random irrational number shared as many oddities as you suggest: Try this one random number: 2317691614 4068462419436414586908976734879314889546147 and: 7874635750 798733180088346687475874613321538485194598551246 and: 5256850561 341017644065121234596432148067534138900995776072 These were randomly typed by me separating the first ten digits. Is this what you mean?
Are you perhaps saying I see patterns that are not there? Perhaps the patterns are there but not proof that God manipulated pi? Do you see a pattern here? 52826292028292726272324282. Just curious. Hint: 2 Here: 83513943593853513243683. Hint: 3. Again just curious. This proves that I can take any random number and make a pattern. _3__3__3__3__3__3__3__3 how about 632194614599124665839538459719438233 it is _3_1_4_1_5_9_2_6_5_3_5_8_9_7_9_3_2_ = the starting digits of pi. These examples of patterns are not significant because the numbers are random but the patterns are my doing. Now if they were part of an important constant one could think otherwise as random numbers generally do not produce these oddities.
The mathematical and geometric fabric that God weaves does not use the same mathematical symbols and conventions as we use. The fabric is ingeniously woven by God to not only get attention (3_4_5) but to also encourage us to examine it further. One must occasionally think outside the box. Look at reality from a fresh angle. Sometimes one must read between the lines or ignore them as 3_4_5.
and prime numbers: 2) In pi, 31, 41 and 59 are primes (3.1 41 59...). No formula has been discovered that will produce all the prime numbers however 41 + n squared + n and 59 + 4n squared + 4n are two of the most productive formulas known to yield prime numbers. Has 31 been overlooked? After all 314159 is a prime. See 5) bellow.
For n=0, the formula yields the prime number 41. For n=2, the prime number 47. Indeed, as n takes on successive values from 0 to 39, Euler's formula yields nothing but primes.
Yeah right
Su bject: First ETI discovered?
Original Message To: Alexander Zaitsev see: http://www.setileague.org/editor/meti.htm Friday, June 30, 2006
Hello SETI Enthusiast,
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence has finally yielded results. The first ETI was discovered not from any dish but from Pi. There are several prime number oddities in pi that prove the existence of an advanced ETI namely GodA or ETI-A. Pi is the most popular universal constant and therefore all intelligent life in the universe can become aware of its significance.
pi= 3.14159… Why the 3_ 4_ 5 Pythagorean triplet right at the start of pi?
Why three contiguous prime numbers, 31-41-59 right at the start of pi? Besides being primes what is so special about 31-41-59?
There is more at www.artmusicdance.com/vaspi/proof.htm Check out the evidence at www.artmusicdance.com/vaspi/documenta.htm
Please forward this message to your email friends, blogs, forums and news groups.
Vasilios Gardiakos
from: Alexander Zaitsev Dear Vas Gardiakos, I transformed the decimal notation of Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 into octal notation and did not detect any prime number oddities. So, I guess, your opinion is not correct, sorry... Alexander Vas Reply To: Keith Mayes Friday, June 30, 2006 Dear Alexander, Thanks you for taking the time to write. You are right the pi oddities are absent from the base of eight. The pi oddities are also very likely absent from most of the other of infinite base notations other than ten. There is a reason why we have ten fingers. Vas Gardiakos >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>++++++<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I wish I had the answer to that. The first time I asked myself
that question I was 9 years old and lying on my bed in the middle of the
afternoon in a half-awake but acute state of self-awareness. It's a recurring
question and one that I revisited only a few days ago. I have never heard (or
seen) it asked by anyone until I visited your site. In fact I have always
wondered if others ever asked it! I just spent the the better part of a day at your site and, yes, I had other things to do, but nothing more fascinating than that. I enjoyed the humor and the philosophy as much as the music, paintings and photos. At the risk of giving you a swelled head I just have to say that you are one of the most interesting people I have ever encountered. The breadth of your talents and interests is amazing. Since one of the things you mention is an interest in 3-D photography I thought you might enjoy the following:
I wish I could say I took the above shot but I didn't. A single view was supplied by our client and I turned it into a stereoscopic pair using Photoshop. It's a tedious process but a lot of fun. Here is a shot that we did photograph, however, using two 35mm cameras mounted on a single tripod that we fitted with a long piece of metal drilled with a number of holes so that the cameras could be separated at different widths from each other depending on the scene and the distance to the closest thing in the foreground. I've since forgotten the formula.
Can you free view? If so I'll send you a few more. Since the
death of both my partner and our 3-D client, Jim Curtin, I haven't done any
3-D. I've always wanted to try out lenticulars on some of my art images but
the cost was too high for something that large (32x40). I notice that you
mention it on your Keywords page (on which, btw, I found a number of other
synchronicities :-). Have you used the process for art, advertising, or
both? I would love to see some examples of your work. Dolores >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>++++++<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Subject: Pi Equation
Email Comment from Kinex to Vas Saturday, August 9, 2008 (0,886226925*2)^2=pi
=) Saturday, August 9, 2008 Hello, S=0.886226925... which is 1/2 times the square root of pi. It is gamma(3/2), and is sometimes also called (1/2)! the factorial of 1/2. Herein "S" is used for "side" for the sake of convenience. http://www.artmusicdance.com/vaspi/highlights.htm#S What is your interest in math, science and philosophy? Vas Kinex reply to Vas Saturday, August 9, 2008 Sorry I hadn't seen this one I just looked at the picture and this was something I came up with and I wanted to send it to you in case it was missing. Well if you ask me what is my interest in math science and philosophy then I can only say:
I came to your site while searching for answers in the web what pi squared does really mean. browsing across thousands of websites I came to your site. I found it fascinating because I'm thinking in the same way. God must be somewhere in these numbers.
I'm doing a lot of physics these days as my hobby for fun but I more like searching through all the concepts of physics if there is something new to explore I really do know that all these constants represent what our universe is made of and we do not really get the meaning of them but what I can tell you from my experience from my research is: all these numbers are connected and in direct relation to each other.
I like you because you find that fascinating so I will show you something if you don't know it:
(pi * ra) / (sqrt(3) * e) = G
pi = pi ra = radius of an atom 10^(-10) sqrt(3)=sqrt(3) e=eulers number G = gravitational constant
all these numbers have their special meaning and they are build up from each other.. but interpreting all them is another task... I hope one day i can figure it out :)
in this way.. you can look up of what pi is made of.......... and what numbers are in it.. just a hint :) there must be more but I am not more far than this
Sorry for my bad English,
Best Regards, Kinex
Vas reply to Kinex Saturday, August 9, 2008
Hi Kinex,
Very interesting that pi is in an equation that includes gravity. (pi * ra) / (sqrt(3) * e) = G See my comment on Gravity
Yes, We Are
Being Recorded! In future generations when we will be able to peer into memory and witness the past. Gravity will be employed to uncover distant times. All we need is to follow the gravity time lines to the precise time and place and view any historical event. This will be a wonderful tool for historians and religious investigators and will help juries determine a verdict. The atoms of our brains also have gravity. Are our thoughts also being recorded? http://www.artmusicdance.com/vasetc/misc.htm
Also on a similar subject:
The Atom
Getting back to your comments:
I came to your site while searching for answers in the web what pi squared does really mean. browsing across thousands of websites I came to your site. I found it fascinating because I'm thinking in the same way.
What does pi
squared really mean. This has never crossed my mind but would be interesting
to hear your thoughts on th subject.
Sorry that I can only communicate in English and thankful that you comprehended it and can reply.
Vas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>++++++<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Just visited your website, and it is very interesting that you have art and music. Your compositions sound very hypnotic, and your art is like your music. Very layered.
Sandra de Nijs
Email Comment from Todd Kelley to Vas Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Hi Vas, I came across your essay My Speculations About Reality on the internet, and found it interesting because I too have considered a computational theory of reality. However, I find that mankind's current models of computation are weak when compared to the notion of numbers. For example, as you probably know, our three, equally powerful, current models of computation (recursive functions, grammars, or turing machines) admit only a countable number of computations. There are only a countable number of things that can be done algorithmically. This means that if one (or God, or whatever) were to pick a number randomly, the probability that number would correspond to a computation is identically zero. Appearing in this statement is this difficult notion of randomness. Does randomness exist, and if so, is it god, or a god, or the workings of a god? I don't know any of the answers. I gathered from your essay that you'd at least be able to understand the questions. (It's nice to come across someone who asks and can understand the same questions.)
Vas reply to Todd
Hello Todd, I was glad to receive your comments.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Hey Vas, That sentence is just restating a property of probability theory. That is, the probability of randomly picking a rational number from the set of real numbers is zero. In other words, if you put all the real numbers in a hat, and "randomly" reached in and picked out a number, that number would always be irrational, even if you kept repeating forever. The reason is that there are so many more irrational numbers than rational numbers. In the same way, there are so many more irrational numbers than there are computations according to our model of what constitutes a computation (every different computation can be assigned an integer, so there are only as many computations as there are integers -- an infinite number, but only countably infinite, whereas the reals are uncountably infinite). Do you follow?
Vas reply to Todd
Todd, Thanks for the explanation. Do you have a website or perhaps a few favorite links! One of my favorite is http://www.sciencedaily.com/news/ Vas
Wednesday, September 25, 2008
Hey Vas,
Thanks for the link! It looks like a
good site to check in with daily. I don't have a website of my own, and the
only links I check with any regularity are things like news.bbc.co.uk, or
news.google.com. I have recently gone back to school (I'm 43). Right now I'm a student at a community college, studying documentary production. Some day, I'd like to take on something big, like a documentary exploring the similarities and differences between science and religion. But I found your site because I'm also just beginning music lessons, and I was doing searches into the mathematical foundations of music. I liked your article!
Vas reply to Todd Todd,
Music? Love it! I like to experiment - Did you see the Maxi? http://www.artmusicdance.com/vasmusic/maxi.htm One of the best sites for music creation. http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/
You may find
this interesting:
I wish you the best with your documentary production major. I personally prefer documentaries over movies. Science and religion? good luck. I believe in proof not faith for important issues and the existence of God is an important issue for me and hence Document A.
My two favorite
Not sure how much of my site you have visited but keep in mind any criticism and suggestion from you will always be appreciated.
Vas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>++++++<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Denny Falzon http://www.myspace.com/dennyfalzon
Hi, Vas . . .
I checked out your website as well which is much more sophisticated and active than mine is. I enjoyed listening to some of your pieces of music and seeing your art, etc.. What a versatile and talented person you are.
Claudia Ann Sodaro