This Bugs Me!
Does it Bug You?
Vas Gardiakos
One of My Pet Peeves!
You go
to the
hospital or doctors office. You are given forms to sign. These forms have been
drawn and refined by lawyers to protect their clients. I walk in and am asked to read and
sign the forms. As usual during these situations my lawyer is not with me. I
am not a lawyer and am not aware of my legal rights. I can spend a half an hour or
an hour reviewing all the forms and would only be slightly better off. In the end I would end up signing
any way. Who would I discuss any changes with in any case? The point here is I did not bring any
forms for them to sign so why are they asking me to sign their forms? This bugs
me! Oh well
life goes on!
On several occasions I have asked the
receptionist “have I given you any forms to sign?” “No!” they reply.
“So why are you giving me all these forms for me to sign?” Looking
bewildered as I am sure no one previously asked such an intimidating
question they reply if you don’t sign the doctor will not see you.
So head held low, I sign!
Torture is the most
heinous of all human to human acts. The thought of someone being
tortured makes my body and mind extremely tense. I wonder if I was
in a torture situation how I would react, give the wanted
information in betrayal or withstand the pain and mutilation. To those that see
torture is a good idea on certain occasions then they should try
to get Congress to legalize it. Then they should volunteer to experience
torture so
that they can confirm that their action was a correct one. One
criteria all torturers and their superiors have in common is that they
are evil people. The just thing to do is to give them some of their
own medicine, but I do not believe in torture and would not make an
exception here.
Amnesty International
Jaded People
It bugs me when people act as
if they have seen and done everything. You can show them a painting
Van Gogh and you do not see a smile on their face. You show them a
sculpture by Praxiteles and
they do not raise an eyebrow. Maybe some people just don't get it.
Not sure why this bugs me but it does.
Free Advertising
I want to rent my
body by wearing an advertising t-shirt. This is unlikely when there
are millions that do it for free, yes unpaid walking billboards. Too bad!
Left Turn Slow
I have observed
that left lane signals never last as long as desired. Obviously this
is more evident when one is in the left lane during rush hour hoping
not to have to await one more light rotation to get through. What
bugs me is the few drivers take their time to start moving, drive very slowly
and allow more than two car lengths between them and the car in
front. If everyone drove like this the left turn lanes would be even more
congested than they are now.
I believe it is the
duty of driver to be aware of the inertest not only of themselves
but all the cars to the side, the rear and in
front. Left
turn etiquette should be a mandatory lesson in driving schools. The
idea is to get as many cars to make the left turn before the light
turns red. To do this properly requires that all cars on the left
turn lane mobilize on a single minded mission. The mission is to get
as many cars through as possible. I often see the first several
cars take their time moving not caring about the cars behind them.
These selfish people are assured of making the left turn light so
why would they care if any else also succeeds.
This really bugs me especially if I miss the light when there was
ample time to make it through if only everyone cooperated.
Women Cheat
Women have the
weeping weapon which is more powerful than anything in the male
arsenal. They cry and they get their way. The hurt and the tears are
real and spontaneous but it does not make it less of a weapon. I do
not mean to cry over this but hitting below the belt is considered
cheating in my manual! How could this little weapon disarm such a
big guy. Oh well, maybe I am too sensitive.
Monologue People
People that refuse
to have a dialog and prefer a monologue. They talk and you listen.
Perhaps it is a dominance, egotistical or a superiority issue. It
may be as simple as they just are not interested in what you have to
We all are guilty of
not listening at one time or another but is seems that some
people are so intent on talking or are so inwardly bound that they do no
not listen and when they do, they do not acknowledge your presence let
alone your comments. In
other words what you have to say is inconsequential so they do not
acknowledge that your lips had moved and words were uttered. It is
if you had said nothing. It may be that some people just do not
have the capacity to process what other people say. Maybe some
people just cannot listen and talk at the same time, a requirement
for dialog.
For a certain
segment of the population it is easier to talk than to listen
attentively. Some people talk incessantly possibly to prevent others
from talking which would tax their mental capacity. So to try to
make it a dialogue you have to be rude and interrupt to get your two
drachmas in. Maybe they are
afraid that you may shift the subject and talk about yourself. They
talk so much that they cannot always be creative so they turn to
repeating themselves. They talk so much that they put their mouth on
automatic pilot and so they cannot remember what they said. The next
day they may support the opposing view with equal intensity.
In the U.S. we
abbreviate post office box "P. O. Box" but for an unknown reason at
least unknown to me, we do not also acronym "Box"? When
I mail to a post office box I use "POB" and
my mail gets to the addressee without a hitch.
At some point in a
discussion something happens to some people that causes them to
perceive the ongoing discussion as a life or death argument against
an enemy and get into the fight or flight response. Realizing that
it is not necessary to flee they may raise their voice and use any
means including insulting the messenger in an attempt to gain an
advantage and win the fight and to feed their ego. This must have been a successful ploy and that is why it
is repeated. "Win at any cost" may be valid for enemies but
certainly not for family
and friends. Among family and friends this eventually wears thin and
a slow disengagement follows.
The key here is to
see the person you are having a discussion with as an opponent and
not an enemy. Do not use the seek and destroy option reserved for
enemies. A discussion is not a battle where everything goes.
Win at any cost does not apply to people you like. Be intellectually honest when discussing.
Do not lie to win any points. Let the cards fall where they may.
Friendly discussions
not about who is right or wrong but about what is true or false.
"Attack the message and not the messenger" is one rule that should
always apply in a discussion. Attack the message honesty, logically
and calmly. For the most part discussions regardless
of the outcome do not in any way change reality so there is no
reason to get all riled up.
I can't stand when
someone reminds you of real and/or perceived favors they did for
you. Even worst is when they brag to others about it. They
completely ignore mentioning the favors done to help them out. It is
rude so you never mention the favors you did for them. They believe that the favors they did
for you are big where as the favors you did for them are minor. If
you are not one of these people please do me a favor and disregard
this paragraph. Thanks!
Classical Music
I primarily listen
to classical music. I find some of it extremely enjoyable. Occasionally a segment evolves into something extraordinarily
magnificent and I am thinking just keep on playing this magnificent
music in this manner and unfortunately they never do. I do not need
relative mediocrity so that I can increase my appreciation of the
magnificent segment.
I Forgot!
"I forgot" is not a
repeatable nor reputable excuse to give to family and friends. "I
forgot" is so easy to say. I cannot understand why some people
say it with great pride. It usually means I forgot because it was
not worth remembering. What is the response to "I forgot"?
You are the bad guy if you dare remind them. I suppose if you are
not visible on someone's radar screen you are forgotten.
I have given this
matter some thought. Perhaps one says "I forgot" in their way of
thinking this is the polite way of saying I don't give a damn.
I Lied!
Along with "I
forgot", "I lied" is one more statement that people say with pride.
Why do we occasionally
and perhaps too often get random flash backs of trivial and
serious mistakes we have made during our lives? This sucks!
Aristotle said "By
nature man is a political animal". In order to stay true to my
nature I will include my political commentary and political gripes on a
separate page. The political page however will have to wait until I
find the time to write it. So keep on checking this site for some
unbiased political brain-twisting. You do want to
clear your mind of false political beliefs, don't you? :-)
When I wrote to Equifax, the credit
reporting agency, that they had messed up my personal data they replied that they
will help me correct it. Help me correct it? To top it off they sent
many forms for me to fill and documents to send them so that they can help me! Help me?
Now if they only have asked for me to help them correct my file it would have been a
different story. They messed up my file and they should go out of
their way to fix it, not me. They want me to jump through the hoops
but really they are the ones that should do so. I will help them fix my file but they
will have to do most of the work. The problem is they have the upper hand a they can
do what ever damn pleases them. Too bad!
For a laugh I
include the letter below. Obviously it was not meant to yield
results and indeed it did not.
To: Equifax
August 8, 2005
Hello No-Name, [no name was signed to the
letter sent to me]
I received your letter dated July 26, 2005
You are doing a disservice to yourself, those
that seek info and me by posting erroneous information about me and
who knows who else.
1. You are not assisting me in any way. I am
assisting you by informing you that my report is in error so to
mitigate any damages the erroneous report has caused me.
2. It is up to you to investigate how and where
the false info was obtained initially. Once you have discovered how
the error was made and by whom, remove the erroneous address from my
file and then inform me with all the facts. Include copies of the
party’s social security number, W2 form, drivers license and utility
bills. It is imperative that we clearly know the identity of the
party that gave you my [erroneous] current address as listed in my
Do the following:
Until this error is corrected inform all that
view my report that the address information cannot be relied to be
true. Report to me that you have complied.
I am informing you that the report error has
cost me time which translates to money. I am billing you at $100 per
hour. I have spent over an hour in research and response regarding
this matter.
Invoice number: #805 August 8, 2005
Equifax Pay upon receipt.
One hour labor research and correspondence: $100.00
Send check to:
Vasilios Gardiakos
PO Box 1625
Tarpon Springs FL 34688
If you do not pay enter a late payment on
the Equifax credit status.
Vasilios Gardiakos

V. Gardiakos