Will the Life of Pi
movie popularize the search for the existence of God?

What you see illustrated in
Document A
is there, it is real. You can easily check its accuracy. I urge
you to be critical. Be scientific! Do not depend on
what others tell you. Document A is
simple enough that it can be understood. The math behind it
does not require anything more than addition, subtraction and multiplication
though what you learn on the first day in high school algebra class will be helpful.
Pi is the most basic of all the constants. Pi has to do with
roundness. Many things in our universe are round or strive to attain
roundness. From tree trunks to our plants and to man-made things.
Pi is the most perfect shape. I suppose this is the reason that God
chose pi to inscribe his signature, announcing that He exists.
Humans have written countless research papers about pi. The fascination with pi
may be a universal phenomena. It is conceivable that mathematicians on other
worlds beyond earth have done likewise. They may have also noticed the oddities
in pi and wondered why. They may have pressed on and discovered the pi
(pi =
Pythagorean triplet is special because it is the simplest and most
easily recognizable constant. It seems reasonable that God inserted
3, 4 and 5 in the first five digits of pi so that we would spot it
and perhaps wonder why this oddity exists in pi.
Besides the
3-4-5 that is visible very early in pi there are many more oddities which are covered in
Document A so the chance occurrence argument is not only weakened but I should
say destroyed. More strange is that in pi, (3.1 41 59...)
31, 41 and 59 are primes. What a coincidence? In pi 314159 is a prime
and so is the mirror image, 951413. Coincidence or was these oddities included right at the very start of pi
so that we will notice them. Strangely, 31, 41 and 59 can be used to
generate prime numbers. Can this also be a coincidence? For more oddities click
For eons the search for the evidence for the existence of God has not produced
any proof. Finally the scientific evidence in Document A proves that God exists. His existence
not the existence of a religious God but the Pythagorean God.
There are two reasons I call Him the Pythagorean
God. The first reason is that God gave Pythagoras recognition by
inserting the
Pythagorean triplet at the very start of pi. The second reason is that
Pythagoras had somehow figured out that God is a master mathematician. It is
this mutual acknowledgement that makes this so compelling.
Perhaps we should more
carefully re-examine Pythagoras and his philosophy.
I use He from a traditional point of view. It could be that God is not like he or she. Calling
God "It" is not totally accurate either and may offend some people. We really do not know enough about God
to make this judgment. We are however forced by the conventions of language to make this
decision in order express our ideas so I will use the traditional He.
If there is a God
prove it!
We could call Him God-A, GodA, GodAlpha, AlphaTheos or for that matter just Alpha. Or
we can use the Greek Theos or TheosA. These
names designate the God referred in Document A, the Pythagorean God. I will use
God or GodA and hope that I will lessen any hostility by religious
fanatics which may think I am referring to their God. I am not!
So not to
unnecessarily offend or defend any religion I will name him GodA but use God
All that I say here is not intended to offend any deity of any religion. When I
refer to God I only refer to the Pythagorean God unless I specifically write
otherwise. Until the
issues about who rules is sorted out I capitalize God, Gods and GodA to give
equal respect to all views about the entity that created and perhaps rules over
our existence. I am tolerant of religions so I hope that all will be tolerant
with my scientific views of God. I am glad that scientists are not violent
towards others that hold opposing scientific views. For this and other reasons I
obviously want to keep all issues about GodA in the scientific domain.
Document A
which contains the evidence that proves the existence of God does
not in any way support any religion. I would say it does just the
opposite as religions are faith based. Document A, the proof of the existence of God is just that, proof
based on scientific principals and not faith or here say. Document A sets a precedent that
all statements about the existence and nature of God require
scientific evidence which can be verified by other scientists and
informed non-scientists alike.
makes the evidence as illustrated in Document A and the highlights
that God intentionally numerated pi is that the oddities are
mathematical and all of them are testable. Each of the nineteen points and
the non-numbered oddities can be checked for their accuracy. There
may be some points that should be rejected because simply they do
not properly support the position. Equally important, there may be oddities
that I
missed that should be included. All the elements of this position
can be tested and should be with scientific backing not unsupported
generalities. Some of your questions about Document A may be
answered here.
SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial
Intelligence) scientists are especially suited to examine Document A.
These scientists are extremely difficult to be fooled by claims of
the existence of an ETI.
After all GodA can be considered an Extra Terrestrial Intelligence
from our perspective. These first class scientists believe in
applying sound scientific principles. I will live it up to
them and mathematicians and statisticians to scrutinize Document A.
GodA is the first Extra Terrestrial Intelligence ETI-A discovered by
Check out the criticism:
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To Page 4
Besides the proof
of the existence of God the proof of the
nature of God is equally paramount. Is God omnipotent? omniscient?
clairvoyant? Is God omni-benevolent?
Open your eyes and see for yourself.
Look at the facts. Think for yo urself. Is GodA omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and omni-benevolent?
All these qualities require the discipline of proof as vigorous as
mathematics however omni-benevolence is the one quality that we can
comment on. On the omni-benevolence issue judge God by
his deeds. We judge people by what they say and by what they do.
Since we do not have direct communication with GodA we can only judge
him by his action and inaction. After all as Protagoras of Abdera
said "man is the measure of all things!" There are obvious
qualities that we can attribute to GodA. Just look around. What has
GodA done or failed to do will determine if He is omni-benevolent. We as
humans for the most part know what is right and wrong, good and bad. Rational thinking people
first look at the facts and then make a judgment.

It seems that the Pythagorean God wants
us and all in the universe to notice the pi oddities. Geometry is the
same everywhere in the universe. So every intelligent being in
the universe can decipher the pi message. This message
can be understood first hand rather than by hearsay by anyone at any time and any where.
The evidences is accessible for all to see and examine it. His existence is not a myth as tangible evidence is
provided for all to examine on a first hand basis.
I am confident that God is not opposed to using the scientific
method to find Him. The evidence shows that He is not hiding from
the critical eye of science. I suspect he welcomes critical thinking
and scientific investigation about His existence and nature.
Advertising people to help in a marketing campaign
use the AIDA
acronym helper:
Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. If this concept is examined in
the topic in hand, the Attention is is the 3-4-5 Pythagorean
triplet. In other words the Pythagorean triplet is in pi to get our attention.
Interest develops with the 31, 41, 59 prime number oddity. I suppose
if this doesn't peak the interest of a mathematician number theory
devotee then I suspect nothing will. The
Desire blossoms as many more oddities are discovered, and there are
plenty on Document A. The Action is the publication of Document A and the
dissemination to the interested parties.
One may also interpret AIDA in the following
way. The Attention is the 3-4-5 Pythagorean triplet.
Interest develops as Document A is examined. Desire fires up when
other discoveries are made from Document A. Action is what we earthlings do with the
information produced by Document A.
Primarily about Primes
The oddities shown in
Document A appear as an intentional intelligent statement. It seems
unlikely the oddities as described in Document A of pi, √2
being coincidental are not extremely high but are astronomically
high. Any randomly chosen random number
should have similar qualities as pi as described in Document A.
Furthermore three random sequences should be related in a similar
fashion as pi, √2 and S. In order to determine
the validity of
Document A an experiment can be conducted by mathematicians
especially those that dabble in number theory. This experiment
should ideally be done only once to simulate my single selection of
pi. I however suspect that this experiment will have to be done
multiple times to get random number with many "oddities" or
qualities similar or pi. So yes randomness can
create a number equal to pi but that's like saying that a monkey
typing on a typewriter an infinite amount of time will eventually
the Iliad and the
Oddity, sorry, Odyssey.
Let me propose an experiment that may be useful in determining
the validity that God numerated pi is to see if a human can take
pi and in the initial digits edit pi in such a way as to increase or
improve the oddities. In other words what small change in pi would
make pi more interesting. Another experiment is to start a fresh
number sequence and purposely manipulate it so that it contains
oddities similar to the ones illustrated in Document A.
Perhaps 235713171931... consisting of
Mersenne Primes
would show intelligence but lacks other properties which pi
possesses. Perhaps 345 112358132134...
which consists of the Pythagorean triplet and the
Fibonacci Sequence.
These are interesting numbers but do not incorporate any
interweaving properties with other constants such as illustrated about pi in Document A.
The question remains, what
number would be more interesting, possessing properties
that can be viewed as intelligent and is interwoven that would be greater than what God did to pi.
The math I used in Document A does not contain conventional mathematical signs such
as the plus and minus symbols. I often take liberties with numbers
that mathematicians would find disturbing, however God doesn't not
use these man made symbols and conventions. The universal math has
no constraints in its evolutionary path. Some facets of the
fundamental math are elastic.
In the infinite landscape of numbers there are
all kinds of oddities. God as well as humans know this. This is why
He put
the oddities right up front in pi. If the oddities appeared in the
infinite reaches of pi we would expect it as noted on the first
sentence of this paragraph. My thinking is that God intentionally
created the oddities up front so that they would attract attention.
To repeat, if the oddities appeared farther in they may never be
found and if they were found they would not be considered as being
out of place and again I will refer to the first sentence.
why does Pi have so many Oddities
while other numbers do not
Another way to approach the oddities issue is to examine some near
pi numbers. These near pi numbers are systematically generated by
adding or subtracting a small fraction from pi so as to stay near
the numerical equivalent to the God numerated pi. I will first add
then subtract from pi 0.01010101010 from pi. On the second sample
add then
subtract 0.01111111111 from pi. I will then attempt to find oddities
in the newly numerated (near) pi examples.
Here are the results. The near pi numerical equivalents are on the right.
3.1415926535... + 0.0101010101... = 3.1516936636...
3.1415926535... - 0.0101010101... = 3.1314916434...
3.1415926535... + 0.1111111111...
= 3.2527037647...
3.1415926535... - 0.1111111111... = 3.0304815424...
or when you find many oddities in 3.1516936636 and the other near pi
numbers continues your effort and find additional cross oddities
that include S and
√2. When
done send me your results and I will post them on this site.
That Document A proves the existence of the Pythagorean
God deserves the scrutiny of science. Mathematicians and
other scientists should examine Document A with a very critical eye.
Perhaps there are other means
to examine Document A which scientists are invited to investigate.
Perhaps a statistical approach will yield some interesting results.
Does GodA want
to prove his presence by weaving the geometric fabric in such
a way so that we can detect his creation. Is there more than “here
is the evidence that I exist” to be found in these or other
geometric or mathematical constants? Have I found any evidence of a
direct communiqué other than I what I exhibit in Document A? The
answer is NO. Now
that document A has been made public where is document B? For the
record, no I do not have a document B nor do I know of any one
possessing it.
Will publishing this information lead to such
great advances that a privileged group can permanently maintain
their edge and dominate and rule over every one? I have pondered
this question and hope that GodA has figured a way to prevent this
from happening. I realize He has failed to maintain a cerebral and
financial equilibrium before so why expect Him to have in place such
a safeguard? This alone almost prevented me from publishing Document
A. Another valid argument however motivated me and that is that
Document A may spawn another revolution perhaps equal to the golden
age of Greece. Perhaps Document A
or Document B will lead to us to the resource pool
of cosmic knowledge. I can not even begin to imagine what Document
Omega will contain and what effect it will have on all intelligent
life in the universe.
Humans naturally gravitate to magic and superstition
to explain their environment. Humans choose which myths to believe
are real and which myths are fiction. Even during our modern age many still have not grasped
the gift of rational thinking and cling to the supernatural.
Document A is too abstract or too
dry for most people to appreciate as the proof of the existence of
God. It has no story line, no suspense and no action to make it palatable.
It was a few great men that gave us rational thinking
that enabled us to reach the technological level we are in today. If
there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe it is likely
that they never entered the age of rational thinking.
It may be that an occasional single spark here and then cannot
reverse the state of a civilization centered on superstitious
beliefs. What happened in Greece was several great man surrounded by
other great men can lay the path. It’s up to us to follow it and
expand it. Several sparks can then light the surrounding fuel of
rational thinkers.
Is it possible that God, now that He has our attention has more to communicate
to us? Will it be in the form of an image or a Pythagorean type of numerical language?
There exists the possibility that Document B will convey this message in either
of these methods. If the message is a graphic the first image I suspect will be a calibration
image perhaps a geometric figure like the Greek Cross, a square or a circle. It is also
very possible that once this greeting card was made by GodA no additional
messages were made. I however suspect that we will find more communications from
I propose
that we have a scientific investigation of the existence and the nature of God.
We have after all had scientific investigation into the existence of UFO’s,
psychic phenomena etc. I am confident that GodA will not run to hide from the critical eye
of science.
Whatever may come out of Document
A or other documents on the scientific investigation on the
existence and nature of God is for the interest of all the
citizens of this planet. So please if you make any progress in this
area, publish in many areas so that no government or religion may put the lid on
your discoveries. This is not a national (USA) security issue but a
world information issue and must always be so. No government,
organization or religious group should ever monopolize
the scientific data of the existence of intelligent life beyond.
I sincerely hope that what ever I say here in this site does not offend any
any religion or ideology. In the process of trying not
to offend any one religion there is always the risk that I have offended
far too many. This is clearly not my intention.
However I understand my bluntness can offend, my
intentions are not such. If you are religious, I harbor no animosity toward your
faith so please be tolerant of my scientific reasoning. If you are offended just
promise yourself not to visit this site again.
Tags: science, cosmology, number theory, theology, bible,
urantia, koran, research, creation myths, big bang theory, reality,
existence, philosophy, atheism,
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